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Your Complete Guide To Commercial Project Management

Project management is a vital part of almost every large-scale operation from building work right through to event organisation. Though there are a few skills that are industry specific, there are also a whole host of skills that remain extremely transferable between sectors. Within this blog, we will discuss the skills, attributes and knowledge required to project manage building work effectively. Of course, you will be able to use much of this information within other projects which don’t necessarily apply to construction, but we will use building work as the principal subject of the article. So, keep reading to find out more!

There is no question that project management is one of the most important roles within a construction project and without effective leadership, the whole building could be jeopardised. So, it is vital that you know how to manage a large-scale building project with effective attention to detail. There are, as we’re sure you know, many other factors that come into the success of a project, but there is no doubt that leadership and planning are two of the main areas. Many people have different approaches to this kind of project, so we will cover a fair amount within this article to ensure that we have provided you with all of the     relevant information.

The key skills

As you might expect, there are a wide variety of skills and attributes that you should adopt when running your own building project. The chances are that you will already have these and you’ll certainly have a good idea about what you need to learn. As you might expect many of these skills are based around your approach to organisation and people management skills and you should take these areas incredibly seriously. After all, without effective people skills and the ability to think on your feet, then you could have some serious issues during the building process. So, what skills should you maintain while project management?


It almost goes without saying really that planning is an essential skill when it comes to project management. The planning process is the overall term used to describe the organisation of budgets, materials and the general time scale of the building work. You will need to give this part of the process significant attention as mistakes made in the planning process will have a knock-on effect later down the line. Planning as a skill takes time to develop but sticking to a few key principles will certainly help you to develop a natural ability to plan effectively. Planning is, without a doubt, a skill which you will only learn through experience so don’t be afraid to jump in!


Scheduling is the next step after you have completed the planning process and the art of creating a detailed and effective schedule is a vital skill within the project management field. Building projects rely heavily on a timescale and when this breaks, it can cause chaos for the rest of the project. You might be able to draw an effective and realistic schedule so your tradespeople can plan when they are going to complete specific tasks and order the correct materials. As we have mentioned, you must make sure that the schedule which you write is realistic as the repercussions of missing deadlines cannot be understated.


At first glance, you may not think that scoping is a skill which you will need to hold any significant importance to as a project manager. However, to achieve customer satisfaction and a project that upholds quality standards, scoping is a vital skill. So, what actually is scoping? Essentially, scoping is outlining your project’s main goals and determining how you and your team will achieve this. For projects such as buildings, this is a vital step, as customer satisfaction is vital. So, you should take time to learn the skill of scoping and use it throughout your project management process.


Forecasting is one of the skills within this blog that may be a touch more difficult to learn prior to your first project management role. However, it is a vital skill that you must attempt to improve on as you develop your career in project management. After all, forecasting will allow you to think on your feet and adapt a plan to suit changed circumstances. Essentially, forecasting is just predicting what may happen in the future of a project so you can effectively manage your next approach. So, throughout your first project, you should attempt to forecast and learn from your small mistakes and successes when doing this.


As your building work progresses, it is vital to keep a keen eye on this and effectively assess the current situation. Many first-time project managers make the mistake of taking their eye off the ball when things are going well,l as it is a natural time to rest for many. However, when your project is running smoothly, you should use this time to track your progress and determine how well the project is progressing. It is very easy to look at the bigger picture when tracking the progress of a large-scale building site. However, you should keep an eye on all of the work right down to the light fixings.


Reporting is another vital skill for any project manager and it is one which is often left a touch ignored by some professionals. However, there is no question that this skill will drastically improve your ability to project management effectively. Reporting is essentially the process of understanding the current state of the building work so you can accurately determine how well the site is progressing and the quality of the work. You should write a report after every major milestone is reached so your client can view the state of the site easily.


Budgeting is arguably the most important part of project management and there is no doubt that you will need to attain this skill before you start a building project. Sticking to a strict budget can be challenging at times but you must make sure that you achieve this as swaying from the budget can be a slippery slope. After all, they are there for a reason and your client will expect you to treat the budget with respect.

Priorities to consider

There are a few areas of commercial buildings which you want to prioritise when project managing. So, keep reading this blog to find out.

air conditioning

Air conditioning is becoming increasingly important in commercial buildings as the systems help to regulate the temperature in these large structures. There is no question that some people may turn their noses up at air conditioning in the UK, however, it is certainly something to consider. Many air conditioning units now help to heat the room as well as cool the space, which is a great positive!


It goes without saying really that heating is an essential aspect of any building and as a project manager you must ensure that the heating system is both purchased and fitted correctly. Heating is a staple in any building, whether that be commercial or domestic, so make sure that you make this part of the building project a top priority.


The electrical side of your building is clearly a vital area of your project as this will run the heating, lighting and any other appliances within the home, shop, or office space. As a project manager, you must ensure that you prioritise this area of the build so you get the best deal possible and the highest quality work.

If you need help with your air conditioning, heating, or electrical appliances, then make sure you contact us today. We have a range of options available so you can ensure that your project goes as smoothly as possible. We pride ourselves on making sure that our clients get the best possible service. So, if you need air conditioning advice, heating systems, or general electric help, then head over to our website or talk with one of our experts. Our customers always walk away happy so you can be sure that we will deliver a quality service.

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